As I progressed in life, I became more aware of what was needed in this world to understand the meaning and purpose of life. When I finally had a discussion with close friends of mine, I created a quote that states:
"Peace & Love. Without peace there isn't love, but sometimes without peace, love is the only thing we can hold on to. In this world of war, we should utilize the power of love as a weapon to eliminate all violence and create peace among one another."
This quote has made a great impact on my life. It has made me realize that its not about the material things in life, its about the people you share the love and memories with. We should take a step back from this fast paced world and observe what we, as humans, have created. We should all be grateful for what we have! We have roads that connect my house to yours! We have buildings that touch the sky! We have airplanes and ships and all sorts of traveling equipment to get us anywhere and everywhere in the world! We have awesome technology to communicate and spread the message of love. We all hold the power of love and its up to us to spread that love to everyone. Let it be a continuous train of kindness and peace. We are all in this together and together we can make this world an even better place. Are you willing to spread the peace and love with me to make an impact on the human kind?
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